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Fanfare Contributor Bio

Andrew Desiderio

For as long as I can remember, music has been an integral part of my life—my earliest musical education came from my dad’s extensive CD collection, which in part galvanized my love of composers and music off the beaten track (and of course works of the classical music “hit parade”). Among the gems I discovered were the Kalinnikov symphonies, Nielsen’s Saul and David, and the piano concertos of Medtner and Rubinstein.

I’m a lifelong resident of Philadelphia, where I attended Temple University for degrees in music theory and music history. While the hub of my activities is composing, I’ve gained experience in nearly all other areas of music: As a cellist, I’ve played in dozens of orchestral, chamber, and musical theater ensembles. As a conductor, I’ve guest-conducted the Orchestra Society of Philadelphia, and was the assistant conductor of the Delaware County Symphony Orchestra. My teaching experience has taken me from the classrooms of Temple University, where I taught courses in music history and in Shakespeare-influenced music, to the highly regarded Bryn Mawr Conservatory of Music, where I currently teach ear training and music theory. Original compositions of mine include chamber works, songs, five film scores, a set of variations for cello and piano, and a serenade for string orchestra. I guess you could say that I wear many hats, and I’m thrilled to be adding a “reviewer for Fanfare” hat to that collection!


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