108 and One |
10’40.3” |
10’40.3” from 26’1.1499”. Harmony 24 |
16 Dances |
16 Dances. Credo in US. First Construction (in Metal) |
2 Pieces for Piano |
2 Pieces For Piano |
27’ 10.544 for a Percussionist |
27’ 10.554” |
27’10.554” |
27’10.554”. Ryoanji. Composed Improvisation. Variations VIII. One |
2’ 1.1499” for a String Player |
3 Dances |
3 Dances for 2 Prepared Pianos. |
3 Easy Pieces |
3 Pieces for Flute Duet. Music for Two |
3 Songs |
30 Pieces for String Quartet |
31’ 57.9864” for a Pianist |
34’ 46.776” for a Pianist |
34’46.776” for 2 pianists |
3rd Construction |
4 Walls. A Flower. Experiences II. She Is Asleep. The Wonderful Widow of 18 Springs |
4' 33“. Amores. Third Construction |
45' for a Speaker. 45' für einen Sprecher. 34'46.776“ for a Pianist. 31'57.9864“ for a Pianist. 2T10.554“ for a Percussionist. 26'1.1499“ for a String Player. 4/33” (No. 2) (0’00”). Two. Music for Five |
45’ for a Speaker |
45’ for a Speaker. 31’ 57.9864” for a Pianist. 34’ 46.776” for a Pianist . 26’ 1.1499” for a String Player. 27’ 10.544 for a Percussionist |
45’ for a Speaker. 31’57.9864” for a pianist. 34’46.776” for a pianist. 26’1.1499” for a string player. 27’10.554” for a percussionist |
4’33 |
4’33” |
59 1/2 for a String Player |
6 Melodies |
6 Melodies for Violin and Keyboard. Two. Nocturne. Two |
6 Solo Ragas |
8 Whiskus |
A Book Of Music. Experience 1 |
A Book of Music. Suite for Toy Piano. Music for Amplified Toy Pianos |
A Flower. The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs |
A Room |
A Room (Piano and Prepared Piano Versions); She Is Asleep; Seven Haiku; Totem Ancestor; Two Pastorales; And the Earth Shall Bear Again |
A Room (two versions, for piano and prepared piano). She Is Asleep. In a Landscape. Seven Haiku. Totem Ancestor. Two Pastorales. And the Earth Shall Bear Again. Waiting. For M.C. and D.T |
A Room for piano. A Room for prepared piano. She Is Asleep for voice and prepared piano. She Is Asleep for twelve tom-toms. Seven Haiku for prepared piano. Totem Ancestor for prepared piano. Two Pastorales for prepared piano. And the Earth Shall Bear Again for prepared piano |
A Room. Amores. The Perilous Night. A Valentine Out of Season. Music for Marcel Duchamp. In a Landscape. Cheap Imitation |
A Room. Crete & Dad |
A Room. In a Landscape |
A Room. She Is Asleep“, In a Landscape. Seven Haiku. Totem Ancestor. Two Pastorales. And the Earth Shall Bear Again. Waiting. For M. C. and D. T |
A Room. Tossed as it is untroubled. Root of an unfocus. Primitive. Two Pieces for Piano (1935). in a Landscape. Ophelia. ASLSP. The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs. Nowth Upon Nacht |
A Valentine Out of Season |
A Valentine out of Season. A Room. Music for Marcel Duchamp |
Ad Lib. Triple Paced (version 1 ) |
All Sides of the Small Stone, for Erik Satie. Prelude for Meditation. A Room. In a Landscape. Swinging. Perpetual Tango. Dream |
Amores |
Amores, for Prepared Piano and Percussion |
Amores, for Prepared Piano and Percussion. Sven David |
Aria |
Aria with Fontana Mix. A Chant With Claps. Sonnekus². Eight Whiskus. A Flower. The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs. Nowth Upon Nacht. Experiences No. 2. Ryoanji |
Atlas Eclipticalis |
Atlas Eclipticalis (for three flutes) |
Atlas Eclipticalis, for Three Flutes |
Atlas Eclipticalis. 103. Winter Music |
Atlas Eclipticalis. Concert for Piano and Orchestra. Hymnkus. Solo for Voice 22. Imitations Ifi. Solo for Voice 79. Music for Six. Sonata for Clarinet. Five. Totem Ancestor. Sonata for Two Voices“. A Valentine out of Season. Seven |
Bacchanal |
Bacchanale |
Bacchanale for Prepared Piano |
Bacchanale, for Prepared Piano. In a Landscape. Daughters of the Lonesome Isle, for Prepared Piano. The Seasons. Suite for Toy Piano. Ophelia. In the Name of the Holocaust, for String Piano. Music for Piano No. 2 (arranged for bowed piano by Margaret Leng Tan) |
Bacchanale. In a Landscape. Daughters of the Lonesome Isle. The Seasons. Suite for Toy Piano. Ophelia. In the Name of the Holocaust. Music for Piano No. 2 |
Bacchanale. Totem Ancestor. And the Earth Shalt Bear Again. Primitive. In the Name of the Holocaust. Our Spring Will Come. A Room. Tossed As It Is Untroubled. The Perilous Night. Root of an Unfocus. The Unavailable Memory of. Spontaneous Earth. Triple Paced. A Valentine Out of Season. Prelude for Meditation. Mysterious Adventure. Daughters of the Lonesome Isle. Music for Marcel Duchamp. 2 Pastorales |
Cartridge Music |
Cheap Imitation. Cheap Imitation (arr. Feldman). Swinging. Perpetual Tango. All sides of the small stone for Erik Satie and (secretly given to Jim Tenney) as a koan |
Cheap Imitation. Dream. Swinging. Perpetual Tango |
Cheap Imitation. Souvenir. Dream |
Chess Pieces |
Chess Pieces. Sonatas and Interludes |
Child Of Tree. Branches I. Branches II |
Chorals, Cheap Imitation |
Chorals. Cheap Imitation. Freeman Etudes |
Chorals. Cheap Imitation. Freeman Études l-VIII |
Complete Piano Music Vol. 4: Pieces 1950-60 |
Complete Piano Music Vol. 7: Pieces 1933-50 |
Complete Piano Music Volume 7: Pieces 1933-50 |
Complete Piano Music, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 |
Complete Piano Music, Vol. 3: Music of Changes |
Complete Piano Music, Vol. 5 |
Complete Piano Music, Vol. 6: Pieces 1960-92 |
Complete Piano Music, Vol.1: The Prepared Piano, 1940-52 |
Composed Improvisation for Snare Drum Alone. One7 |
Composed Improvisation No. 3; No. 2. One4( versions by Armaroli and Hauser) |
Composed Improvisation. Variations II |
Composed Improvisations for Steinberger Bass Guitar and Snare Drum |
Concert for Piano and Orchestra |
Concert for Piano and Orchestra'. Atlas Eclipticalis |
Concerto for Prepared Piano |
Concerto for Prepared Piano and Chamber Orchestra |
Credo In Us |
Credo in US. Imaginary Landscape 1. Imaginary Landscape 3. Inlets. But what about the noise . .. forests |
Credo In Us. Imaginary Landscape Nos. 1-5 |
Daughters of the lonesome isle |
Diary: How to improve the World (You will only make matters worse) |
Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse) |
Dream |
Dream, for Guitar and Harp. In a Landscape, for Solo Harp |
Dream. The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs |
Dream.In a Landscape |
Ear for EAR (Antiphonies) |
Eighty |
Etudes Australes |
Etudes Australes, Books One and Two |
Etudes Borealis for cello and piano. Harmony 13 |
Etudes Borealis for piano. Harmony 22 |
Etudes Borealis. Harmonies |
Europera 3. Europera 4 |
Europera 5 |
Fifty-Eight |
First Construction (in metal). Second Construction. Third Construction. Amores. Imaginary Landscape. Double Music. She Is Asleep |
First Construction in Metal |
Five |
Five. Four |
Five—in memory of Stefan Wolpe (two versions) |
Fontana Mix/Solo for Voice 2 |
Four |
Four Walls |
Four Walls. Primitive. In the Name of the Holocaust. Quest. Our Spring Will Come. Ophelia |
Four, for Twelve Rainsticks, Violin, and Two Pianos. One?, for Piano Solo. Two, for Violin and Piano |
Four. One. Two |
Four2 |
Four2. ear for EAR (Antiphonies). Five. In a Landscape |
Freeman Etudes |
Freeman Etudes, Books One and Two |
Freeman Etudes, Books Three and Four |
Freeman Etudes: Books 3, 4 |
Haikai. Improvisation Ia: Child of Tree. Improvisation Ib: Branches. Five⁴. cC/omposed Improvisation (2 versions). But What about the Noise of Crumpling Paper Which He Used to Do in Order to Paint the Series of “Papiers froissès” or Tearing Up Paper to Make “Papiers dèchirès”? Arp Was Stimulated by Water (Sea, Lake, and Flowing Waters like Rivers), Forests |
Harmony 27 |
Imaginary Landscapes 1-5. But What About the Noise? |
Imaginary Landscapes Nos. 1-5 |
In a Landscape |
In A Landscape |
In a Landscape. Music for Marcel Dunchamp. Souvenir. A Valentine Out of Season. Suite for Toy Piano. Bacchanale. Prelude for Meditation. Dream |
In a Landscape. Postcard from Heaven |
In a Landscape. Suite for Toy Plano (version for piano) |
Indeterminacy |
James Joyce, Marcel Duchamp, Erik Satie: An Alphabet |
Litany for the Whale |
Litany for the Whale. The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs. Nowth Upon Nacht. ASLSP. The Year Begins to be Ripe. Experiences 1 + 2 |
Little Four Paws |
Melodies & Harmonies |
Melodies: No. 5; No. 6 |
Melody 1. Harmony 18. Harmony 42. Melody 2. Melody 3. Harmony 26. Harmony 21. Harmony 19. Harmony 5. Harmony 11. Melody 4. Harmony 14. Melody 5. Melody 6. Harmony 15. Harmony 28. Harmony 35. Harmony 38. Harmony 44 |
Metamorphosis |
Metamorphosis. Bacchanale. The Perilous Night. Tossed as It Is Untroubled. A Valentine Out of Season. Root of an Unfocus. 2 Pieces for Piano |
Metamorphosis. Quest (mvt 2) |
Music by |
Music For 2 |
Music For An Aquatic Ballet. Dialogues |
Music for Carillon No. 5 |
Music for Eighť. Five (two versions). Aria. String Quartet in Four Parts |
Music For Keyboard 1935–48 |
Music for Marcel Duchamp |
Music for Marcel Duchamp. Experiences No. 2 |
Music for Marcel Duchamp. Spontaneous Earth. Three Easy Pieces for Piano |
Music for Piano 1–20. Variations V. Inlets. Voiceless Essay. Sculptures Musicales. Four |
Music for Piano 1–84 |
Music for Piano Nos. 52-56 |
Music for Three |
Music for Three. Eight Whiskus. Four |
Music for Three. Eight Whiskus. Four⁵ |
Music for Trombone: Ryoanji, for Bass Trombone and Percussion Obligato. Solo for Sliding Trombone (from Piano Concerto). Two, for Trombone and Piano |
Music for Two |
Music for Two, for Two Pianos. One, for Piano Solo. Music Walk, for One or More Pianists at a Single Piano, Using Also Radio and/or Recordings. One, for Piano Solo |
Music For Two. One. Music Walk. One |
Music for Two. One. One. Music Walk |
Music for Two. Three Dances |
Music for Wind Instruments |
Music for … |
Music of Changes |
Music of Changes (1951) |
Music of Changes (Parts III and IV).: |
Mysterious Adventure. TV Köln. Daughters of the Lonesome Isle. Dream. The Perilous Night. Nocturne. Three Dances |
Nocturne |
Nocturne for Violin and Piano |
Nocturne for Violin and Piano. Six Melodies for Violin and Keyboard. Amores. A Valentine out of Season. Music for Marcel Duchamp |
Nowth upon Nacht |
Nowth upon nacht |
One |
One --3 performances. One |
ONE. 103 |
One. Etudes Boreales. The Beatles 1962-70. ASLSP. One |
One¹¹. 103 (2 versions) |
Opening Dance. Furniture Music Etcetera. Suite for Toy Piano. Music for the Film “Works by Calder.“ Four |
Ophelia |
Ophelia. Sonatas and Interludes. Three Early Songs |
Orchestral Works I |
Perpetual Tango |
Perpetual Tango (five realizations) |
Piano Sextet |
Postcard from Heaven |
Prelude for Meditation |
Prelude for Meditation, for Prepared Piano. Ryoanji, for Trombone Solo with Percussion. Two, for Piano and Tenor Trombone. Dream, for Piano Solo |
Prelude for Meditation. Music for Marcel Duchamp. Suite for Toy Piano |
Prelude for Meditation. She is Asleep |
Primitive. In the Name of the Holocaust |
Primitive. In The Name Of The Holocaust. Quest. Our Spring Will Come |
Quartet for Four Percussionists |
Roaratorio: An Irish Circus on Finnegans Wake/Laughtears/Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegans Wake |
Roarotorio — An Irish Circus on Finnegan's Wake |
Root of an Unfocus |
Ryoanji |
Ryoanji for Flute, Percussion, and Tape |
Sculptures Musicales |
Second Construct/on, for four players |
Second Construction |
Second Construction. Third Construction |
Second Construction. Third Construction. Imaginary Landscape March No.2. Living Room Music |
Seventy-Four (2 versions) |
She is Asleep |
She Is Asleep |
Singing Through: A Flower; Mirakus; Eight Whiskus; The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs; Nowth Upon Nacht; Sonnekus. Je Te Veux; La Diva de l'Empire; Tendrement; Forever and Sunsmell. Songbooks: Solo for Voice 49; Solo for Voice 52; Solo for Voice 67. Music for Two (by One) |
Six Melodies for Violin and Keyboard |
Six Melodies for Violin and Keyboard* |
Six. Three |
Sixteen Dances |
Sixteen Dances for Soloist and Company of Three |
Sixty-Eight. Quartets I-VIII |
Sixty-Two Mesostics Re Merce Cunningham |
Soliloquy. Ophelia. The Seasons |
Solo for Flute, Alto Flute, and Piccolo. Solo with Obbligato Accompaniment of 2 Voices in Canon and 6 Short Inventions on the Subject of the Solo. Composition for 3 Voices. Sonata for 2 Voices. Hymnkus |
Solo for Piano |
Solo For Piano |
Solo for Sliding Trombone ( 1957/58) |
Solo for Voice 45 (From Song-books) |
Solo for Voice 58, “18 Microtonal Ragas” |
Solo VII |
Some of “The Harmony of Maine“ |
Sonata for Clarinet |
Sonata for Clarinet Solo |
Sonata XIII for Prepared Piano. Music for Marcel Duchamp. Song Books l-ll/Empty Words III |
Sonatas and Interludes |
Sonatas and Interludes |
Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano |
Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonatas 1, 2, 5, 6, 12 |
Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano; A Book of Music for Two Prepared Pianos |
Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano“ |
Sonatas and Interludes. Composition in Retrospect |
Sonatas and Interludes. In A Landscape |
Sonatas and Interludes: Nos. V, XI, XIII, XIV, XV |
Sonatas and Interludes: Sonatas I, V, X, XII; Second Interlude |
Sonatas for Prepared Piano: Nos. 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 “Gemini,” 16 |
Sonatas I, II, III, IV, V, XII, XIV, XV. Third Interlude |
Song Books 1971 |
Sonnekus |
String Quartet |
String Quartet In 4 Parts |
String Quartet in Four Parts |
Suite for Toy Piano |
Suite for Toy Piano (orch. Harrison) |
Suite for Toy Piano. The Seasons—Ballet in One Act. Music for Amplified Toy Pianos (version for three toy pianos). A Book of Music. Suite for Toy Piano (version for piano) |
Ten. Ryoanji. Fourteen |
The Barton Workshop Plays John Cage |
The Complete String Quartets, Volume I: Music for Four (1987, revised 1988). Thirty Pieces for String Quartet (1983) |
The Number Pieces 1 |
The Perilous Night |
The Perilous Night. Four Walls |
The Perilous Night. Music for Marcel Duchamp for Prepared Piano |
The Perilous Night. Music of Changes, Part I |
The Perilous Nighť. Four Walls |
The Piano Works 1 |
The Seasons |
The Seasons. Metamorphosis. In a Landscape. Ophelia. 2 Pieces (1935). Quest. 2 Pieces (1948) |
The Ten Thousand Things |
The Twenty-Five-Year Retrospective Concert |
The Unavailable Memory of. A Flower |
The Unavailable Memory Of. Two Pieces for Piano (1936, rev. 1974) |
The Wonderful Widow of 18 Springs |
The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs |
The wonderful window of 18 springs |
Third Construction |
Third Construction, for Four Percussionists |
Third Construction. SYNERGY (improvisation): Green Piece |
Thirteen |
Thirteen Harmonies. Thirteen Harmonies (Mix) |
Thirty Pieces for Five Orchestras. Music for Piano, Nos. 4-19 and 21-84 |
Three |
Three Constructions. A Flower, for Voice and Closed Piano. Forever and Sunsmell, for Voice and Percussion Duo |
Three Dances |
Three Dances for Two Prepared Pianos |
Three Pieces for Flute Duet |
Three Songs |
Three Studies from Atlas Eclipticalis. Two. Music For Carillon No. 6 |
Tossed As It Is Untroubled |
Trio. Double Music. Third Construction. Fads and Fancies in the Academy |
Twenty-Eight |
Twenty-Eight with Twenty-Nine |
Twenty-Six with Twenty-Eight |
Twenty-Six with Twenty-Eight & Twenty-Nine |
Twenty-Six with Twenty-Nine |
Twenty-Six. Twenty-Three |
Two |
Two (5) |
Two Pieces for Piano (1946) |
Two Pieces for Piano. Five Songs |
Two Pieces for Piano. Jazz Study |
Two. 3 Dances |
Two. Experiences. Three Dances for Two Prepared Pianos |
Two. Two. Five. Five. Seven. Seven |
TWO2 |
Two2 |
Variations I |
Variations I. Seven Haiku. Solo for Flute, Alto Flute, and Piccolo |
Variations II |
Variations II. Music Walk. Atlas Eclipticalis with Winter Music |
Variations III (two versions) |
Variations, for cello |
Winter Music |
Winter Music'. Winter Music with Atlas Eclipticalis |
Winter Music. Arolsen, February 8, 1998. For M.C. and D.T. For P. Taylor and A. Dencks. TV Köln. Waiting. 7 Haiku. Haiku. Music Walk. Solo for Piano. 34’46.776" for 2 Pianists |
Winter Music. Two2. Experiences No. 1 |
Works by |
Works for Percussion |
Works for Percussion, Vol. 6 |
Works for Piano and Prepared piano (1943-1952) |
Works for Piano and Prepared Piano, Volume I |
Works for Piano and Prepared Piano, Volume II |
Works for Piano, Toy Piano, and Prepared Piano, Volume III |
Études Australes |
Études Australes, Book 1 |
Études Boreales. 26'1.1499“ For A String Player. Solo for Cello (1957-58). Variations I. Variations II. Variations III. A Dip In The Lake. Lecture on Nothing |
Études Boreales. Ryoanji |