(Sonata) for Violin and Piano. Piece. Projection 4. Extensions 1. Vertical Thoughts 2. The Viola in My Life 3. Spring of Chosroes. For Aaron Copland. For John Cage. (Composition) for Violin |
2 Pieces [for Danny Stern]. Extensions 5. 2 Instruments. Wind [for Naomi Newman]. Follow Thy Faire Sun. Dance Suite [for Merle Marsicano]. For Stockhausen, Cage, Stravinsky, and Mary Sprinson |
2 Pieces for 2 Pianos |
3 Clarinets, Cello, and Piano. Bass Clarinet and Percussion. Clarinet and String Quartet |
3 Dances. First Piano Sonata, “To Béla Bartók.“ For Cynthia. 2 Pieces for 3 Pianos. Preludio. Self Portrait |
3 Pieces For String Quartet |
Bass Clarinet and Percussion |
Cello and Orchestra |
Chorus & Instruments I11967 |
Chorus and Instruments |
Chorus and Instruments II. Christian Wolff in Cambridge. For Stefan Wolpe |
Chorus and Instruments. Voices and Instruments 1. Voices and Instruments 2. The Swallows of Salangan |
Clarinet and String Quartet |
Clarinet And String Quartet |
Composition for Cello and Piano. Sonatina. Two Pieces |
Concertos for Piano and Orchestra. Flute and Orchestra. Oboe and Orchestra. Cello and Orchestra |
Coptic Light |
Coptic Light. Piano and Orchestra^. Cello and Orchestra |
Coptic Light. String Quartet and Orchestra |
Durations 2 |
Durations 2 (2 realizations) |
Durations II (1960) |
Durations l. Coptic Light |
Early Piano Pieces |
Extensions 1 For Violin and Piano |
Extensions 1 for Violin and Piano |
Extensions 4 for 3 Pianos |
Extensions 4 for Three Pianos'* |
Extensions I (1951) |
False Relationships and the Extended Ending |
Flute and Orchestra. Cello and Orchestra. Oboe and Orchestra. Piano and Orchestra |
For Aaron Copland |
For Bunita Marcus |
For Bunita Marcus. Palais de Mari |
For Christian Wolff |
For Frank O’Hara. Bass Clarinet and Percussion. De Kooning. Instruments I |
For John Cage |
For John Cage (1982) |
For Philip Guston |
For Samuel Beckett |
For Samuel Beckett. The Turfan Fragments |
For Stockhausen, Cage, Stravinsky, and Mary Sprinson. Patterns in a Chromatic Field |
For String Quartet |
For Sunita Marcus |
Four Instruments |
Four Instruments (1975) |
Give My Regards to Eighth Street |
Instruments I |
Instruments II |
Intermission 1 |
Intermission 5. Piano Piece (to Philip Guston). Vertical Thoughts 4. Piano. Palais de Mari |
Intermission 5. Piano Piece (to Philip Guston). Vertical Thoughts 4. Piano. Palais de Mari (for Francesco Ciamente) |
Intermission V. Piano Piece. Two Intermissions. Four Last Pieces. Intermission VI. Five Pianos |
Intermissions 1-6. Variations |
Intermissions I–IV |
Intersection 3 for Piano |
Intersection 3 for Piano. Extensions 4 for 3 Pianos. 2 Pieces for 2 Pianos |
Intersection IV. Duration II |
Intersections 2 and 3. The King of Denmark |
Ixion |
Last Pieces |
Madame Press Died Last Week at Ninety |
Met Heine on the Rue Fürstenberg |
Music of |
Nature Piece No. 4 |
Nature Pieces. Extensions 3. Piano Piece 1952. Three Pieces. Piano Piece 1955. Piano Piece 1956. Last Pieces. Vertical Thoughts 4. Piano Piece (To Philip Guston). Piano Piece 1964. Piano |
Neither |
Neither—Opera |
Oboe and Orchestra. Atlantis |
Only |
Orchestra. Elemental Procedures |
Palais de mari |
Palais de Mari |
Palais de Mari. Piano |
Patterns in a Chromatic Field |
Patterns in a Chromatic Field (1981) |
Piano |
Piano and Orchestra |
Piano and Orchestra. Flute and Orchestra. Oboe and Orchestra. Cello and Orchestra |
Piano and String Quartet |
Piano and String Quartet (1985) |
Piano Piece 1964 |
Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello |
Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello (1987) |
Piece for 4 Pianos |
Piece for Four Pianos. Intermission VI. Piano—Four Hands. Two Pieces for Two Pianos. Two Pianos. Five Pianos |
Piece for Violin and Piano |
Piece for Violin and Piano (1950) |
Pieces for String Quartet: 1956; 1954 |
Portraits of Friends and Relatives, Recuerdos de un Antano Triste |
Principal Sound |
Projection 1. Intersection 4. Four Songs to Poems by E. E. Cummings |
Projection 4 for Violin And Piano |
Projection 4 for Violin and Piano. Structures for String Quartet. Extensions 1 for Violin and Piano. 3 Pieces for String Quartet |
Projection I. Composition—8 Little Pieces |
Projection I. Extension 3. Intersection 4. Duration 2 |
Projection IV (1951) |
Rothko Chapel |
Rothko Chapel. For Stephan Wolpe. Christian Wolff In Cambridge |
Rothko Chapel. Why Patterns? |
Routine Investigations |
Spring of Chosroes |
Spring of Chosroes (1978) |
String Quartet |
String Quartet (1979) |
String Quartet (I) |
String Quartet (II): |
String Quartet and Orchestra |
String Quartet and Orchestra. Oboe and Orchestra. Atlantis |
String Quartet No. 2 |
Structures |
Structures for String Quartet |
The Early Years |
The Possibility of a New Work for Electric Guitar |
The Rothko Chapel |
The Straits of Magellan. 2 Pieces for 6 Instruments. Projections. Durations |
The Swallows of Salangan |
The Viola in My Life |
The Viola in My Life I – IV |
The Viola in My Life III |
The Viola in My Life IV |
The Viola in My Life. False Relationships and the Extended Ending. Why Patterns? |
The Viola in My Life: I |
The Viola in My Life: II |
The Viola in My Life: III |
The Viola in My Life: IV |
The Viola in My Life: I–IV |
The Viola of My Life (1970) |
Three Voices |
To Philip Guson |
Triadic Memories |
Triadic Memories. Cage One |
Triadic Memories. Piano |
Triadic Memories. Piano. Two Pianos. Piano Four Hands. Piano Three Hands |
Triadic Memories. Piano. Two Pianos. Piano Four-Hands. Piano Three-Hands |
Trio |
Trio |
Trio (1980) |
Trio for Flutes |
Two Instruments |
Two Pieces |
Two Pieces for Clarinet and String Quartet (1961; versions 1 and 2). Clarinet and String Quartet (1983) |
Untitled Composition for Cello and Piano |
Untitled Composition For Cello And Piano (Patterns in A Chromatic Field) |
Vertical Thoughts II (1963) |
Vertical Thoughts IV; Piano Piece (to Philip Guston) |
Violin and Orchestra |
Violin and String Quartet |
Voices and Cello |
Voices and Instruments 1 |
Voices and Instruments 2 |
Why Patterns? |
Why patterns? Crippled Symmetry |
Why Patterns? Crippled Symmetry |
Works for Piano |
Works of |