Cello Concerto |
Clarinet Concerto |
Compline |
Concert de Gaudi for Guitar and Orchestra |
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra |
Concerto for Trombone and Orchestra |
Concerto for Trombone and Orchestra. Gorgon. Iscariot |
Concerto Per Corde |
Concerto per Corde |
Der gerettete Alberich. Rapture. Violin Concerto |
Der gerettete Alberich. Violin Concerto. Rapture |
Flute Concerto |
Flute Concerto. Symphony No. 2. Rapture |
Friandises |
Into the Light: 2nd Movement |
Iscariot |
Kabir Padavali |
Karolju |
Ku-Ka-Ilimoku |
Ku-Ka-llimoku |
Ku-Ka-llimoku for percussion ensemble. Concerto Per Corde |
Mitternachtslieder. Quattro Madrigali |
Music by |
Odna Zhizn. Prospero’s Rooms |
Ogoun Badagris |
Ogoun Badagris for percussion ensemble |
Prospero’s Rooms |
Rotae Passionis "Passion Wheels" |
Rotae Passionis (Passion Wheels) |
Rotae Passionis("Passion Wheels") |
Seeing |
String Quartets: No. 1; No. 2 |
Supplica |
Supplica. Concerto for Orchestra |
Symphonies Nos. 3 and 4 |
Symphonies Nos. 3 and 4. Odna Zhizn |
Symphony No. 1 |
Symphony No. 1. Phantasmata |
Symphony No. 1. Phantasmata: The Evestrum of Juan de la Cruz in the Sagrada Famiglia; The Infernal Machine; Bump |
Symphony No. 2. Concerto for Flute and Orchestra. Phaethon |
Symphony No. 2. Concerto for Flute and Orchestra. Phaethon |
Symphony No. 5 |
The Infernal Machine, for Orchestra. Ogoun Badagris, for Percussion Quintet |
Trombone Concerto (in memoriam Leonard Bernstein) |
Violoncello Concerto |
Wolf Rounds |