Performer: Frank Cassara BULOW, HARRY: Lines, Curves, and Voluminous Variations (Review by John Story) | marimba | DRUMMOND, DEAN: Different Drums for Different Strokes (Review by Art Lange) | boo | DRUMMOND, DEAN: Different Drums for Different Strokes (Review by Art Lange) | kithara II | DRUMMOND, DEAN: Different Drums for Different Strokes (Review by Art Lange) | spoils of war | DRUMMOND, DEAN: Different Drums for Different Strokes (Review by Art Lange) | zoomoozophone | LIFCHITZ, MAX: Transformations No. 3 (Review by John Story) | marimba | MARTIN, ROBERT: Only When the Clock Stops (Review by Hana Gubenko) | percussion | MARTIN, ROBERT: Only When the Clock Stops (Review by Colin Clarke) | percussion | MARTIN, ROBERT: Only When the Clock Stops (Review by Mark Gabrish Conlan) | percussion | MARTIN, ROBERT: Only When the Clock Stops (Review by Peter Burwasser) | percussion | MENEELY-KYDER: Weep, the Mighty Typhoons (Review by John Story) | marimba | MONK: Round Midnight (Review by Art Lange) | boo | MONK: Round Midnight (Review by Art Lange) | kithara II | MONK: Round Midnight (Review by Art Lange) | spoils of war | MONK: Round Midnight (Review by Art Lange) | zoomoozophone | PARTCH, HARRY: Daphne of the Dunes (Review by Art Lange) | boo | PARTCH, HARRY: Daphne of the Dunes (Review by Art Lange) | kithara II | PARTCH, HARRY: Daphne of the Dunes (Review by Art Lange) | spoils of war | PARTCH, HARRY: Daphne of the Dunes (Review by Art Lange) | zoomoozophone | PUGLIESE: Freeze (Review by Art Lange) | boo | PUGLIESE: Freeze (Review by Art Lange) | kithara II | PUGLIESE: Freeze (Review by Art Lange) | spoils of war | PUGLIESE: Freeze (Review by Art Lange) | zoomoozophone | ROSENBLUM, MATHEW: Circadian Rhythms (Review by Art Lange) | boo | ROSENBLUM, MATHEW: Circadian Rhythms (Review by Art Lange) | kithara II | ROSENBLUM, MATHEW: Circadian Rhythms (Review by Art Lange) | spoils of war | ROSENBLUM, MATHEW: Circadian Rhythms (Review by Art Lange) | zoomoozophone | SCHIFFMAN: Sestetto Concertato (Review by John Story) | marimba | SCHOBER: Stabat Mater, for Women’s Chorus, Soprano Saxophone, and Percussion (Review by William Zagorski) | percussion | SEIDLER: In the Arc of Your Mallet (Review by Peter Burwasser) | percussion | SNYDER, RANDALL: Shalimar (Review by John Story) | marimba |
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