Performer: Paul Hillier BITTER BALLADS: (Review by J. F. Weber) | vocal | CAROLS FROM THE OLD AND NEW WORLDS: (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | CAROLS FROM THE OLD AND NEW WORLDS, Vol. 2: (Review by George Chien) | director | FRAGMENTS: (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | GOOSTLY PSALMES: ANGLO-AMERICAN PSALMODY FROM... (Paul Hillier) (Review by Tom Moore) | director | JOSQUIN & THE FRANCO-FLEMISH SCHOOL: (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | JOSQUIN DES PREZ: Missa de Beata Virgine... (Philippe Herreweghe) (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | LE CHANT DES ABBAYES: (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | MEDIEVAL ENGLISH MUSIC: (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | MUSIC FROM THE TIME OF CHRISTIAN IV- Church Music...: (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | SUMER IS ICUMEN IN: (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | SUMER IS ICUMEN IN: (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | THE AGE OF CATHEDRALS: (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | THE AGE OF CATHEDRALS: (Review by J. F. Weber) | performance, want list | THE POWERS OF HEAVEN: (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | THE ROMANTIC ENGLISHMAN: (Review by Vincent Alfano) | director | THE SINGING CLUB: (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | TROUBADOUR SONGS AND MEDIEVAL LYRICS: (Review by J. F. Weber) | baritone | TROUBADOUR SONGS AND MEDIEVAL LYRICS: (Review by J. F. Weber) | harp | ABELARD: O quanta qualia. Virgines castae. De profundis. Epithalamica. Planctus David (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | ALFONSO EL SABIO: Porque ben Santa Maria, 327. Muitas vezes volv' o demo, 198 (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | ANONYMOUS: 4 Planctus (Codex Las Huelgas) (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | ANONYMOUS: Planctus cigne (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | ANONYMOUS: Saeta (Review by Haig Mardirosian) | conductor | ANONYMOUS: Venite a laudare. Cristo e nato. Laude novella sia cantate. Oi me, lasso, è freddo lo mio core. Altissima luce. Sia laudato San Francesco (Review by William Kempster) | conductor | ANONYMOUS: Visitatio sepulchri. Exsultet (Review by J. F. Weber) | baritone | ANONYMOUS: Volez vous que je vous chant. Quant voi la flor nouvele (Review by Tom Moore) | voice | BACH, JOHANN SEBASTIAN: Liebster Gott, wann werd ich sterben, BWV 8 (Review by Haig Mardirosian) | conductor | BACH, JOHANN SEBASTIAN: Motets (Review by George Chien) | conductor | BACH, JOHANN SEBASTIAN: Motets (Review by George Chien) | conductor | BACH, JOHANN SEBASTIAN: Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225. Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf, BWV 226. Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227. Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir, BWV 228. Komm, Jesu, Komm, BWV 229. Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden, BWV 230 (Review by George Chien) | conductor | BACH, JOHANN SEBASTIAN: Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225; Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf, BWV 226; Jesu, meine Freude, BWV227; Fürchte dich nicht, ich bib bei dir, BWV228; Komm, Jesu, komm, BWV229; Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden, BWV 230 (Review by George Chien) | conductor | BERGMAN, ERIK: Lapponia (Review by Henry Fogel) | conductor | BILLINGS: Anthems and Fuglng Tunes (Review by Haig Mardirosian) | conductor | BILLINGS: Anthems and Fuglng Tunes (Review by Walter Simmons) | conductor | BILLINGS: O Praise the Lord of Heaven. Is any afflicted. Emmaus. Africa. Samuel the Priest. Shiloh. Jordan. I am the Rose of Sharon. Euroclydon. Hear my Pray'r. Rutland. David's Lamentation. As the Hart panteth. Creation. Brook-field. The Lord is ris'n indeed (Review by Haig Mardirosian) | conductor | BILLINGS: O Praise the Lord of Heaven. Is any afflicted. Emmaus. Africa. Samuel the Priest. Shiloh. Jordan. I am the Rose of Sharon. Euroclydon. Hear my Pray'r. Rutland. David's Lamentation. As the Hart panteth. Creation. Brook-field. The Lord is ris'n indeed (Review by Walter Simmons) | conductor | BORNELH, GIRAUT DE: Reis glorios, verais lums e clartatz (Review by Edward Strickland) | voice | BRUHNS, NICOLAUS: De profundis clamavi (Review by James A. Altena) | conductor | BRULÉ, GACE: Les oxelés de mon paix. A la douçor de la bele seson (Review by Tom Moore) | voice | BUXTEHUDE: Accedite gentes, BuxWV 1. Domine salvum fac regem, BuxWV 18. Att du Jesu vill mig höra, BuxWV 8 (Review by Bertil van Boer) | conductor | BUXTEHUDE: Gott, hilf mir, BuxWV 34 (Review by James A. Altena) | conductor | BUXTEHUDE: Jesu, meine Freude, BuxWV 60 (Review by James A. Altena) | conductor | BUXTEHUDE: Missa alla brevis, BuxWV 114 (Review by Bertil van Boer) | conductor | BUXTEHUDE: Motets (Review by Bertil van Boer) | conductor | BUXTEHUDE: Passacaglia in d, BuxWV 161 (Review by Bertil van Boer) | conductor | BUXTEHUDE: Praeludium in e, BuxWV 142 (Review by Bertil van Boer) | conductor | BYRD, WILLIAM: Christe qui lux es et dies (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | BYRD, WILLIAM: Mass for 4 Voices. Mass for 3 Voices. Mass for 5 Voices (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | BYRD, WILLIAM: Mass for Four Voices. Corpus Christi Mass Propers (from Gradualia). Four Organ Pieces (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | BYRD, WILLIAM: Masses for 4, 3, and 5 Voices. Lamentation of Jeremiah. Christe qui lux es et dies/Precamur. Laetentur coeli. Ave verum corpus (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | BYRD, WILLIAM: Praise our Lord. Have mercy upon me. Make ye joy to God. Come to me grief. Christ rising again. From Virgin's womb. Ye sacred Muses. Turne our captivitie. Lulla, lullaby. Who made thee, Hob. Come wofull Orpheus. Though Amarillis dance (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | BYRD, WILLIAM: Songs of Sundrie Natures (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | CAVALIERI: La rappresentatione di Anima e di Corpo (Review by J. F. Weber) | baritone | CAVALIERI: La rappresentatione di Anima e di Corpo (Review by J. F. Weber) | Corpo | CAVALLI: Ercole Amante. ANON. (Le Livre Vermeil de Monserrat) (Review by Haig Mardirosian) | conductor | COBBOLD: New Fashions (Review by Brian Robins) | baritone | COBBOLD: New Fashions (Review by Brian Robins) | director | CODAX, MARTIN: Cantigas de Amigo. Jaufre (Review by J. F. Weber) | vocal | CORNAGO, JOHANNES: Missa de la mapa mundi. Secular songs (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | D’ARRAS, MONIOT: Ce fu en mai (Review by Tom Moore) | voice | DERING: Fantasia No. 1 in 6 parts (Review by Brian Robins) | baritone | DERING: Fantasia No. 1 in 6 parts (Review by Brian Robins) | director | DERING: The City Cries. The Country Cries (Review by Brian Robins) | baritone | DERING: The City Cries. The Country Cries (Review by Brian Robins) | director | DINIS: Seven Cantigas d'amor. Five other cantigas (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | DUFAY, GUILLAUME: Missa L'homme armé. Nuper rosarum flores. Ecclesiae militantis. Aima Redemptoris mater. O sánete Sebastiane. Salve flos Tuscae gentis (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | DUNSTABLE: Motets (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | DUNSTABLE: Veni Sancte/Venl Creator. Alma Redemptoris. Credo. Agnus Dei. Salve scema. Gaude virgo. Quam pulcra es. Salve Regina. Preco proheminencie (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | EAST: Verse Pastorals (Review by Brian Robins) | baritone | EAST: Verse Pastorals (Review by Brian Robins) | director | EDWARDS, RICHARD: In going to my naked bed (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | EMMERSON: Ophelias Dream II (Review by David Sachs) | bass | FAYRFAX: Magnificat regali (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | FÖRSTER, KASPAR: Confitebor tibi Domine (Review by James A. Altena) | conductor | GEIST, CHRISTIAN: Dixit Dominus Domino meo. Die mit Tränen säen (Review by James A. Altena) | conductor | GIBBONS, ORLANDO: The Cries of London. Fantasia à 4 for the Great Dooble-Base. Go from my window (Review by Brian Robins) | baritone | GIBBONS, ORLANDO: The Cries of London. Fantasia à 4 for the Great Dooble-Base. Go from my window (Review by Brian Robins) | director | GOMBERT, NICOLAS: Lugebat David Absalon (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | GRIGORJEVA, GALINA: On Leaving (Review by Robert Kirzinger) | conductor | GUDMUNDSEN-HOLMGREEN, PELLE: Moving Still (Review by Peter Burwasser) | baritone | GUILLAUME IX d’AQUITAINE: Farai un vers de dreit nien (Review by Edward Strickland) | voice | HAYDN, FRANZ JOSEPH: Die Harmonie (Review by Haig Mardirosian) | conductor | HINDEMITH, PAUL: Der Tod (Review by Lynn René Bayley) | director | HUME, CAPTAIN TOBIAS: Poeticall Musické. The First Part of Ayres (Review by J. F. Weber) | bass | JOSQUIN DES PREZ: Ave Maria, Virgo serena. Absalon, fill mi. Veni, Sande Spiritus. De profundis clamavi. Scaramella. In te Domine speravi. El grillo. Milles regretz. Petite camusette. Je me complains. En l'ombre d'ung buison-net. Je ne me puis tenir d'aimer. Nimphes des bo/'s (La déploration de la mort de Johannes Ockeghem) (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | JOSQUIN DES PREZ: Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae. Pater noster/Ave Maria. Miserere. Tu solis qui facis mirabilia (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | JOSQUIN DES PREZ: Missa de Beata Virgine (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | JOSQUIN DES PREZ: Motets and Chansons (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | JOSQUIN DES PREZ: Motets and Chansons (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | KREEK: 3 Folksongs (Review by Henry Fogel) | conductor | LANG, DAVID: The Little Match Girl Passion (Review by Michael Cameron) | director | LASSUS: Missa pro defunctis (Review by Haig Mardirosian) | conductor | LASSUS: Motets and Chansons (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | LASSUS: Motets and Chansons (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | LASSUS: St. Matthew Passion (Review by J. F. Weber) | baritone | LASSUS: Stabat mater. In monte Oliveti. Cum natus esset. Bon jour mon coeur. Fleur de quinze ans. Suzanne ung jour. J'ayme la pierre précieuse. Margot labourez les vignes. La nuict froide et sombre. Suzanne ung jour (Iute). Pour courir en poste a la ville (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | LOPES-GRAÇA, FERNANDO: Dos romances viejos. Três canções regionais portuguesas. Oito canções da premeira cantata do Natal. Três líricas castelhanas de Camões. Três canções regionais portuguesas. Três canções corais (Review by Ken Meltzer) | conductor | MACHAUT: Messe de Notre Dame. Le lai de la fonteinne. Ma fin est mon commencement (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | MARCABRU: L'autrier josť una sebissa (Review by Edward Strickland) | voice | MARSHALL, INGRAM: Hymnodic Delays (Review by Raymond Tuttle) | director | MCFERRIN: Circlesongs (Review by John Story) | voice | MENDELSSOHN, FELIX: Die erste Walpurgisnacht (Review by Haig Mardirosian) | conductor | MILHAUD: Cantata de la Guerre (Review by Lynn René Bayley) | director | MILHAUD: Cantata de la Paix (Review by Lynn René Bayley) | director | MIRAVAL, RAIMON DER: Aissi cum es genser pascors (Review by Edward Strickland) | voice | MOUTON, JEAN: Five Motets (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | MUSET: En mai, quant li rossigno- lez (Review by Tom Moore) | voice | NØRGÅRD: Winter Hymn (Review by Robert Kirzinger) | conductor | OCKEGHEM: Missa pro defunctis (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | OCKEGHEM: Requiem. Missa Mi-Mi (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | OCKEGHEM: Requiem. Missa Mi-Mi (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | O’REGAN, T.: Douce dame jolie. Scattered Rhymes (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | PÄRT: 2 slawische Psalmen. Magnificat (Review by Robert Carl) | conductor | PÄRT: An den Wassern zu Babel (Review by Robert Carl) | conductor | PÄRT: Berliner Messe (Review by John Story) | conductor | PÄRT: Bogoróditse Djévo. I Am the True Vine (Review by John Story) | conductor | PÄRT: Da pacem Domine. Salve regina (Review by Robert Carl) | conductor | PÄRT: De Profundis (Psalm 129). Missa Sillabica. Solfeggio. And One of the Pharisees. Cantate Domino (Psalm 95). Summa (Credo). Seven Magnificat Antiphons. The Beatitudes. Magnificat (Review by Lawrence A. Johnson) | director | PÄRT: De Profundis (Psalm 129). Missa Sillabica. Solfeggio. And One of the Pharisees. Cantate Domino (Psalm 95). Summa (Credo). Seven Magnificat Antiphons. The Beatitudes. Magnificat (Review by Robert Carl) | director | PÄRT: De Profundis. Misa Sillabica. Solfeggio. “And one of the Pharisees.“ Cantate Domino. Summa. 7 Magnificat Antiphons. Beatitudes. Magnificat (Review by Paul Ingram) | conductor | PÄRT: Dopo la vittoria. Nunc dimittis (Review by Robert Carl) | conductor | PÄRT: Drei Hirtenkinder. Kleine Litanei. Virgencita. Habitare fratres in unum. Alleluia tropus. And I heard a voice. (Review by William Kempster) | conductor | PÄRT: Fratres. Psalom. Summa. Missa Syllabica (Review by Robert Carl) | baritone | PÄRT: Littlemore tractus (Review by Robert Carl) | conductor | PÄRT: Miserere. Festina lente. Sarah Was Ninety Years Old (Review by Paul Rapoport) | conductor | PÄRT: Ode IX (Review by John Story) | conductor | PÄRT: Passio Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum Joannem (Review by Paul Rapoport) | conductor | PÄRT: Passio Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum Joannem (Review by Edward Strickland) | conductor | PÄRT: Tribute to Caesar. The Woman with the Alabaster Box (Review by John Story) | conductor | POWER, LEONEL: Masses and Motets (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | POWER, LEONEL: Masses and Motets (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | RACHMANINOFF: All-Night Vigil (Review by Barry Brenesal) | conductor | RACHMANINOFF: Vespers (Review by David DeBoor Canfield) | conductor | RACHMANINOFF: Vespers, op. 37. Various works (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | RAVENSCROFT: The Three Ravens (Review by Brian Robins) | baritone | RAVENSCROFT: The Three Ravens (Review by Brian Robins) | director | RILEY: In C (Review by Colin Clarke) | conductor | RIQUIER, GUIRAUT: Be.m degra de chantar tener (Review by Edward Strickland) | voice | RORE, CIPRIANO DE: Le Vergine. Three madrigals (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | ROSSI, LUIGI: Two arias (Review by Haig Mardirosian) | conductor | RUDEL, JAUFRE: 6 songs (Review by J. F. Weber) | vocal | RUDEL, JAUFRE: Quan lo rius. Pro ai del chart. Lanquan lijorn. Belhs m’es I’estius. No sap chantar, Quan lo rossinhols (Review by J. F. Weber) | vocal | SCHNITTKE: 3 Sacred Hymns (Review by Robert Kirzinger) | conductor | SCHÜTZ, HEINRICH: Auferstehungshistorie, SWV 50 (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | SCHÜTZ, HEINRICH: Der Schwanengesang (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | SCHÜTZ, HEINRICH: Die 7 Worte, SWV 478. Johannes-Passion, SWV 481 (Review by James A. Altena) | conductor | SCHÜTZ, HEINRICH: Die 7 Worte. Johannes-Passion (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | conductor | SCHÜTZ, HEINRICH: Die Seele Christi Heilige mich. Was betrübst du dich meine See/e (Review by Haig Mardirosian) | conductor | SCHÜTZ, HEINRICH: Lukas-Passion (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | SCHÜTZ, HEINRICH: Lukas-Passion. Weihnachtshistorie. Auferstehungshistorie. Die 7 Worte. Johannes-Passion. Matthäus-Passion (Review by James A. Altena) | conductor | SCHÜTZ, HEINRICH: Matthäus-Passion (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | SCHÜTZ, HEINRICH: St. Matthew Passion, SWV 479 (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | SCHÜTZ, HEINRICH: Weihnachtshistorie, SWV 435 (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | SHAW: and the swallow (Review by William Kempster) | conductor | SHEPPARD, JOHN: Vaine, vaine, vaine (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | SIBELIUS: Rakastava (Review by Henry Fogel) | conductor | SISASK: Gloria Patri (Review by Robert Kirzinger) | conductor | SMALLEY, DENIS: Pneuma (Review by David Sachs) | bass | SØRENSEN, BENT: Fragments of Requiem (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | STOCKHAUSEN, KARL-HEINZ: Stimmung (Review by Robert Carl) | conductor | STRAVINSKY, IGOR: Octet (Review by Lynn René Bayley) | director | TALLIS: Lamentations I and II. In jejunio et fletu. If ye love me. Audivi vocem. Derelinquit implus. Salvator mundi I. Benedictus. Third and eighth psalm tunes. Te lucis ante terminům II. Seven instrumental performances of vocal works (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | TALLIS: Lamentations, Motets, String Music (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | TALLIS: O ye tender babes (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | TALLIS: Sacred Music (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | TALLIS: Te lucis ante terminum II (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | TALLIS: The Lamentations of Jeremiah. Salvator mundi II. O sacrum convivum. Mass for Four Voices. Absterge Domine (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | TAVERNER, JOHN: In nomine (organ) (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | TAVERNER, JOHN: Kyrie leroy. Western Wind Mass (Review by J. F. Weber) | director | TAVERNER, JOHN: Missa Gloria tibi trinitas (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | THIBAUT DE CHAMPAGNE: Ausi conme unicorne sui. Deus est ensei comme li pellicanz. Chançon ferai, que talenz m'en est pris (Review by Tom Moore) | voice | TORMIS: Laulusild. Piispa ja pakana. Jaanilaulud (Review by Henry Fogel) | conductor | TULEV: And then in silence there with me be only You (Review by Robert Kirzinger) | conductor | TUNDER: Dominus illuminatio mea (Review by James A. Altena) | conductor | VENTADORN, BERNART DE: Be m'an perdut lai enves Ventadorn. Can vei la lauzeta mover (Review by Edward Strickland) | voice | VIDAL, PEIRE: Pos tornatz sui en Proensa (Review by Edward Strickland) | voice | WEELKES: The Cries of London (Review by Brian Robins) | baritone | WEELKES: The Cries of London (Review by Brian Robins) | director | WEILL, KURT: Berlin Requiem (Review by Lynn René Bayley) | director | WEILL, KURT: Vom Tod im Wald (Review by Lynn René Bayley) | director | WHITE, ROBERT: Christe qui lux es et dies III, IV (Review by J. F. Weber) | conductor | WISHART, TREVOR: Anticredos (Review by David Sachs) | bass | WOLFE, JULIA: Guard my tongue (Review by William Kempster) | conductor |
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